Khalistan Movement & Amritpal Singh.

Khalistan Movement & Amritpal Singh.

Khalistan’s history began in the 1940s When Punjab was partition. After, this revolution demanding a separate Punjabi-speaking state began. The Indian government reject this in 1955, But this demand was later accepted in 1966 when the states of Punjab and Haryana were separated. In 1973, Akali  Dal brought the Anandpur Sahib resolution. In this resoluction, they demanded more autonomy for Punjab and a right to frame its internal constitution. Then comes Jernail Singh Bhindrawale. He projected himself as the voice of Sikhs. Bhindrawale’s popularity among the young increased when he preached against alcohol and consumerism. That was a good thing, But what wasn’t good was he took up arms while demanding Khalistan. By 1984, the situation had turned serious. There was violence against local government officials. Religious polarization in society depends. During this, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi directed the Indian Army to launch Operation Blue Star. To eradicate the militants from Harmandir Sahib and to neutralize Bhindrawale. In this operation, the militants dispersed, But this damaged Harmandir sahib. He hurt the religious sentiments of Sikhs. Due to this, Indira Gandhi was assassinated,  By two of his bodyguards. When this news went public, Anti-Sikh violence erupted all over the country. MORE THAN 8000 SIKHS WERE KILLED. Punjab police’s DGP KPS Gill played a significant role in controlling this violence. Finally, After 1995 this situation become peaceful.

Amritpal Singh.

Punjab police began a chase to arrest  Khalistan separatist Amritpal Singh on 18th March. Since that, the  National Security Act was invok, and more than 200 people have  arrested. But Amritpal and his associates have gone into hiding. A filmy, Dhoom-style chase has been going on for the last several days Amritpal Singh changes his rides, From Mercedes to Maruti to motorcycle. He changes his clothes from a long kurta to a shirt –pants & black goggles. Uttrakhand‘s police conducted several search operations at the Indo- Nepal border. Intelligence report that he might be trying to flee the country. But the question is, will catches Amritpal Singhend this problem? Several journalists and media organizations interviewed Amritpal Singh to counter his propaganda. But the effect of the interview backfired. Amritpal Singh has been quite successful in misguiding some people. His result was seen outside India as well. Protested was seen in London,  few Khalistanis took down the Indian flag from the Indian High Commission to put the khalistani flag. In San Fransico, some pro- khalistani protesters attacked the Indian Consulate. Pro- Khalistani protests in front of the Australian Parliament as well.

Khalistan Movement & Amritpal Singh.
Khalistan Movement & Amritpal Singh.

All the Sikhs are not pro-khalistani. Most Sikh people have openly opposed the demand for Khalistan. But at the same time, it cannot be ignor that people like Amritpal Singh have been successful in the misleading section of people. Very few people have tried to understand Khalistan  arguments in a factual and logical manner.

Australian and Canadian About Khalistan.

The Australian and Canadian envoys have explicitly stated that Australia and Canada do not support the demand for khalistan or any referendum, they stand for a united India.

Khalistan Movement & Amritpal Singh.
Khalistan Movement & Amritpal Singh.

Ajnala incident.

Some months ago, no one knew Amritpal Singh. His popularity skyrocketed suddenly after the Ajnala incident. To some extent, Credit will go to the Indian media for this. The media played this incident for days, Discussed it repeatedly, and then start interviews with Amritpal Singh. Punjab district  Amritsar lies Ajnala police station, which attacked by Amritpal’s supporters about a month ago. His supporters carried swords and weapons and barged into the police station told the police that they were wrongfully imprisoning  Amritpal’s associate Lovepreet Singh. Amritpal claims that the violence lasted only 8 seconds. In his opinion, his supporters didn’t do anything wrong. They were there to free Lovepreet,  imprisoned on false charges. But it is clear that either Amritpal has no idea about law and order or he does not respect law & order.

Khalistan Movement & Amritpal Singh.
Khalistan Movement & Amritpal Singh.

Amritpal and his follower knew that it wouldn’t be a peaceful protest. Even then, They carried the holy scripture Guru Granth Sahib, use Guru Granth Sahib as a shield. In response, Amritpal claims that it has been a long-standing tradition that warriors would carry  Guru Granth Sahib with them. Sikh soldiers carrying Guru Granth Sahib during the first world war for the Mesopotamian campaign. Here are Amritpal’s followers going to fight a foreign army? No, they were clashing with the Punjab police. They were fighting their brothers. If the police had not been careful, There might be unintentional disrespect to Guru Granth Sahib, the violence would have begotten in Punjab.

Punjab’s Chief Minister bhagwant Singh Mann said that those who use Guru Granth Sahib as a shield do not deserve to be called future generation of Punjab . 

Amritpal Singh Points 

  1. Amritpal claims that people should be “Shashtradhari”. “The weapons are our leaders. They are our gods and goddesses”. People need to carry weapons with them at all times. He reasons that the rate of gun possession in Punjab is high. But the rate of gun violence is lower than compared to other states. IF account for the NCRB figures, this has some truth in it. Punjab is one of the highest numbers of gun license, Crime rate in arms and explosives-related cases is much lower in Punjab than compar Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, and Haryana. But this is only a half-truth. This is a method of misdirection. Apart from licensed firearms, Uttar Pradesh is India’s hub for illegal weapons. More than half of the causes of illegal possession of arms in India occur in UP, with Madhya Pradesh in the second rank. The rate of murder with unlicensed weapons is much more than that of licensed weapons. Gun violence in Punjab is lower than in UP and MP, Punjab doesn’t have the lowest gun violence in India. In fact, Punjab is among the top states in terms of gun violence. Even the rate of murder. Weapons aren’t used for gang wars only. People die of accidental firings as well. In 2021, Punjab was at 4th rank for deaths due to accidental firearms injuries.
  2. Amritpal used the example of Sikh leaders who had to take up weapons and fight. But first of all, we are not living in those eras. In the history of sikh gurus Nowhere find an example where the leaders fought to create their new country Their fights weren’t for personal revenge or territory. Their fight was for justice, religious freedom, and to defend innocent people. In verse 22 of Zafarnama, “One can resort to armed combat, Only when all other means of the settlement have been exhausted’’. Taking up weapons should be the last option after all other methods have failed.

       Guru Nanak

Guru Nanak said “ No one is my enemy , no one is foreigner. With all I am at peace. God within us renders us incapable of hate and prejudice”

Guru Nanak
Guru Nanak

Punjab Problems.

Amritpal talks about several real issues. Issues the Punjab is currently facing. Such as the water dispute for the satluj-Yamuna Link Canal.  Drugs problem,  increasing unemployment and Farmer issues. These are genuine problems. These problems do exist. And it is important to solve them. 

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India farmers protests: Thousands swarm Delhi against deregulation rules | CNN

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