Suez Canal Complete Information.Importance ,Suez Crises, Income of Suez Canal & Incident of Ship Stuck in Suez Canal.

 Suez Canal Complete Information.

Read about the Suez Canal in school textbooks. Suez Canal play important roles in today’s globalized world trade. In fact, according to some estimates, 12% of global trade happens through the Suez Canal.

Suez Canal is man-made canal in Egypt. This canal is Locat between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. It connects Europe with Asia. By seeing the world map, you might think it to be a small canal up to 10 to 20 Km. But in reality, it is a very long canal, 193 kilometers long. It took more than ten years to build and was open in 1869. More than 1.5 million workers worked on it and cast 100 million dollars at that time. Today it would’ve cost billions of dollars if account inflation

Suez Canal Complete Information.Importance ,Suez Crises, Income of Suez Canal & Incident of Ship Stuck in Suez Canal.
Suez Canal Complete Information.Importance ,Suez Crises, Income of Suez Canal & Incident of Ship Stuck in Suez Canal.

Importance .

  • Today when airplanes are so common. who use ships?. But in Suez Canal, the number of cargo has been continually increasing over the last 10 to 20 years
  • The importance of the Suez Canal is in its location. The ships from India, China, and South East Asia that go to Europe and those from Europe to Asia, using the Suez Canal, can save a lot of money and time.
  •  The alternative route of traveling between Asia and Europe are circumnavigating South Africa through the Cape of Good Hope. It takes two weeks longer to use that route.
  • Another danger while taking the Suez Canal to South Africa is the Somali Pirates. That route will take the ships near Somalia. Somali Pirates are often lurking there. 

Suez Canal Complete Information.Importance ,Suez Crises, Income of Suez Canal & Incident of Ship Stuck in Suez Canal.

Suez Crises. ( War due to Suez Canal )

The Suez Canal was so important that in 1956, when the Egypt Government nationalized, then Israel, Britain, and France almost went to war against Egypt, Because of that. That is called the Suez Crises.

Suez Crises. ( War due to Suez Canal )
Suez Crises. ( War due to Suez Canal )

Income of Suez Canal.

Today, the whole canal is under the control of the Egyptian government and they get a lot of economic benefits from this. In terms of numbers government numbers, $5.61 billion has been earned by the Egyptian government from the Suez Canal in just one year in 2020. Suez canal income is incresing every year.

Incident of Ship Stuck in Suez Canal.

 On 23rd March 2020, a ship was stuck in the Suez Canal. What has blocked the canal is unique in and of itself. Its name is Evergiven, and longer than 400 meters. For comparison, do you remember Titanic? It was the biggest ship of the era. The total length of the Titanic was 269 meters. And this ship is 400 meters long. Almost, double as long as the Titanic.  The width of the Suez Canal is 300 meters. So it’s not surprising that the photos you saw online of the ship standing still at an angle in the canal have locked the whole canal. His length is more than the width of the Suez Canal. The maximum length of a ship permitted in the Suez Canal is 400 meters only. It is such a big ship that more than 20,000 cargo containers are loaded on it. And each container is around 20 meters long. Just imagine if so many containers were traveling on the road, each container would have required one truck to carry it, and if such trucks were standing in line, the line of these trucks would have been longer than 273 kilometers.

Suez Canal Complete Information.Importance ,Suez Crises, Income of Suez Canal & Incident of Ship Stuck in Suez Canal.

Incident of Ship Stuck in Suez Canal.

In today’s globalized world, this ship is also very globalized. It is a Japanese-owned ship; Operated by a Taiwanese company named Evergreen Marine, and the 25 crew members of this ship are all Indians. The Evergreen wrote on the side of the ship,  the name of the Taiwanese company. the name of ship is evergiven.

Reason for the ship is stuck.

The reasons for which the ship stuck are poor visibility, high winds, and a sand storm. That meant that very high winds have blown. Control of the ship lost all the containers stacked on top of each other, acting like a sail in the high winds, pushing the ship toward one side. the ship struck the side of the canal and got trapped in the soil. The front of the ship is located in the eastern corner of the canal. Because the soil on the bank of the canal is very soft, the front is stuck into the soil.


  • It was estimated that the number of goods was blocked because the Suez Canal was blocked. whose worth of $ 400 million per hour or $ 9.7 billion per day. The global supply chain is already struggling, because of Covid-19 in 2020, and the subsequent lockdowns are now facing another problem.
  • Crude oil prices have also been increasing. Crude oil is the basic commodity that is transported by ships.
  • Some newspapers also claim in shortage of toilet paper in some places 

Steps to Remove ship.

  • Dig the soil so that the ship freed, and for this reason tools are being used. The excavating machine is technically called the backhoe. It is use to dig at the front to reduce the soil there so that water can fill up.
  • Additionally, dredger ships have also been use for digging in the water. To dig the seabed and deepen, it so that the depth of water can be increas, the purpose is to get enough water under the ship to make it float again.
  • The boats are also use to pull the ship in the correct direction. But this ship is so big and heavy that the tug boats cannot work alone.

Suez Canal Complete Information.Importance ,Suez Crises, Income of Suez Canal & Incident of Ship Stuck in Suez Canal.
Steps to Remove ship.

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