Czech University of life Science Admission process:

Czech University of life Science Admission information:

 Today our article will be Mr. Irfan who is a student in Czech University of Life  Sciences so our article will be based on his practical life experience of how he is living in Prague , the capital city of the Czech Republic and also do master in low tuition fee.

Accommodation and monthly expenses at the  Czech University of Life Sciences :

Usually, the payment for living in a hostel at the  Czech University of Life Sciences ranges from 5000 to 7000, but it depends on the facilities attached to the room. And after one year he had to leave the university hostel and stay out. It pays from five thousand to seven thousand, it also depends on the condition of the rooms. if the student is using sharing room then you have to pay less than five thousand.

The cost of student accommodation is around five thousand and  around five thousand Czech Koruna  is spend for accommodation expenses.

Czech University of Life Sciences annual fee :

The Czech University of Life Sciences annual degree fee depends on the type of degree. Some departments have higher tuition fees and some departments have lower tuition fees only those departments that are offering master programs related to information technology have higher fees and other departments have lower tuition fees. Average tuition fees range from 15,000 to 40,000 Czech Koruna  per year, which ranges from 600 to 1600 Euros.

 Procedure of admission :

First of all, the student has to register on the online portal of university, after registering himself you have to pay a 750 Czech Koruna application fee then you have to select your decisive master course in this application and then you will receive an Email about the confirmation then you have to go through an online interview exam. There is also an entrance exam.

 Notification :

Notification mean your degree is matching for the master or not ,Once student get a reply from coordinator he will let you know student next process after application and internal evaluation and internal evaluation student have pay a fee of around 875 check crown you have to send your super legalized documents plus you have to do their notification and you have send these hard copies through DHL to the university and right after one month they will reply you that your previous qualification is according to university requirement and and then definitely give you acceptance letter but before giving acceptance letter student have pay one year university fee here in Czech University it is mandatory to pay your one year tuition fees before getting acceptance letter .

Internal evaluation and Notification :

For this coordinator will ask you about these two options if you would like to go for notification it will valid for all the universities here in the Czech Republic but if a student will go for internal evaluation only it will be valid for only the Czech University of life sciences but I would suggest if you are committed only to the Czech University of life sciences please select only internal evaluation and which will cost only about 875 Czech crowns and for notification is three thousand Czech crowns.

 Part time job :

Definitely every student need a part time job for their living expenses but for first semester, please do not do not go for any time of any kind of part-time just focus on your studies you will get two benefits against it if you get high marks in your first semester you will get a scholarship for your remaining studies here in Czech University of life sciences so it will be a great benefit secondly your coordinator will notice that you are an excellent student he will offer you two things number one he will offer you a traineeship out of the Czech republic in any industry or in any other institute which will be paid like 750 to 850 Euro per month and I think it’s enough for your living expenses and second option you for an Erasmus exchange semester in any other European country out of Czech Republic . Erasmus paid around 850 plus .

Documents  Received After Admission :

Once the student done very good interest exam and interview, they will send you a hard copy of the acceptance letter and the accommodation contracts through DHL at your home in your home country.

Document required in Embassy for Visa.

When the student receives an acceptance letter and accommodation contract at home at the same time coordinator will add the student to the regime board through this regime mode student get an invitation for an interview from their home country, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic at the time of interview have check supper legalized documents of bachelor’s degree or master’s degree if you are going for a Ph.D. and also with your police character certificate along with translation and also with at least six-month bank statements with the amount of around 13 lacks per currency only, it’s around 5000   Euros . 

Questions Ambassador asked :

The Ambassador asked here only about the vise application form whatever you have filled out in visa application form, so be precise, only study the details you have put in the application form. after the end of the interview they will give you a print of the interview in which you have gone through with them and at the ends they will say please write down some your motivation in the last in five to six lines in the form the student prepares this five to six lines which you will write down at the end of the interview here. 


Links :

Link for New online application        ::

Link for Master programs at  CZU  ::

Link for Traineeship out of prauge  : : 

Czech University of life Science Admission process:
Czech University of life Science Admission process:


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