Pesticides: Insecticide, herbicides and fungicides.

Pesticides: Insecticide, herbicides and fungicides

their are three type of pesticide commonly use in agriculture, name as insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides. These insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides have different functions in agriculture. Each type of pesticide has further different kinds and different forms of pesticide products.

Pesticides: Insecticide, herbicides and fungicides.
Pesticides: Insecticide, herbicides and fungicides.
Insecticides :

Insecticides are the type of pesticides that are used to kill insects. These insecticides kill harmful insects these are damaging plant growth. Insecticides eat the essential parts of the plant, and this effect plant growth so it is necessary to kill these insects that affect plant growth. Many types of insecticides are used depending upon the type of insects present in the plant i.e. Emamaction Benzoate 1.9% EC here EC is Emulsified which is a form of product, Lambda Cyhalothrin 2.5% EC, Fipronil 5%SC here SC is another form of pesticide SC form is a white viscous liquid. 3% Carbofuran which is in granule form.

Herbicide :

Herbicides, also known as herbicides, are types of pesticides that are used to kill or control unwanted weeds. These weeds affect the growth of plants and use the essential nutrients in the soil. . The pesticides used for this are called Herbicides. That is, Acetochlor 50% EC is a herbicide used to control unwanted weeds.Quizalofop-p-ethyl 15% EC. 

Fungicide :

Fungicide is the third type of pesticide used to control plant fungi. Fungi are commonly found in vegetable plants. Fungi are organisms that live on the roots and leaves of plants. For example, Sulfur 80% WDG is a fungicide. Sulfur is also used as a micronutrient in plants so it promotes plant growth. Similarly, Copper is also used as a fungicide.

Micronutrients :

Apart from these pesticides, there is another thing called micronutrients or fertilizers which help the growth and development of plants. A variety of micronutrients are required for proper plant growth. These micronutrients are required in small amounts but are essential for proper plant growth. i.e. potassium humate. Zinc, and Boron 5% w/v, are used as micronutrients, these micronutrients enhance plant growth. These micronutrients are given as per agronomist instructions, Boron, Zinc, N:P: K i.e. potassium humate commonly known as humic acid before harvest and In other water, water, water is added.


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