Reason for Europe Visa Rejection.

 In the visa process, there are always two categories of why a students visa can get rejected 1st  is the independent factor in which student cannot do anything for it and the 2nd  is the dependent one which the student can improve it means they are depending on the student and student ability or how student prepare them.

Factors for visa rejection:

  1. The top one is the student country quota which means every country has its own visa quota how many visas can be processed per year how many employees can come workers can come how many students can come so if students are from some countries like Nepal, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh then students quota is already relatively lower as compared to any other country like Turkey, Russia or Ukraine. That means in these countries students have less quota for that students can apply maybe the start of the year so that means there will be more vacancies or more possibility that you may get the visa. 
  2. Secondly, it is the male-to-female ratio a lot of time there is more male applicant, and most of the time the female candidates are preferred to make something at an equal level so normally the female candidate has a higher chance of getting the visa as compared to the male candidate. In this situation, female candidates from Asian countries definitely apply for studying in Europe because they can get the visa much easier as compared to any other person who is applying.

  3. Third is the type of studies, if students are studying for bachelor studies, student have a low chance to get the visa there is a complicated process of nostrification. limited no of Universities are allowed it, and most of them are quite expensive or they are private universities so all this together makes it for the consulate to think that you are not a genuine student means maybe your purpose of going to the Czech Republic is maybe not even studies you want to go there for some work or maybe to another country so it is highly possible that for bachelor studies your vise can get rejected. For master's and Ph.D., there is a relatively very good chance you will get the visa depending on how the other factors go. Master studies in the Czech Republic need skilled workers to work in their industry for Ph.D. It brings new research it makes the country more known into the world because of their research and publication so students have a higher chance if students are applying for a master, Ph.D., or even a postdoc but all these factors are independent mean if you are going for bachelor studies then students cannot go for Ph.D. In a general way if students have more chances when they are going for a master's and Ph.D. definitely for Ph.D. and master if a student visa gets rejected it’s 99% percent is the student's fault something which the student has done wrong in your dependent factors.

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