How avoid Schengen visa rejection :

When students go In embassy for interview they should prepare themselves on what kind of questions the embassy or the counselor asked some time they even asked you to write a paragraph about your future plane and what you will do in Europe, so prepare them well before time you should practice it many time about yourself introducing yourself what you will do what is your future plane how this studies is going to help speak slowly try to convey your message and try  to proof him that you are the real genuine students and the factors like does age matters or what is my field of study I studied in computer, now I want to studies in mechanical engineering or something like this, it all depends on your interview you can because when you go over there you already have the invitation mean you are already accepted from the university so embassy just wants to know if you are really interested in it . When you go in embassy should be very confident enough, that you should show yes I want to study this one .I have age gape because I wanted some experience in industry and  now want to to do some more education it will help me .


Search online on the embassy website talk to the people who have applied in the last few months, so student will know it which documents are required to be translated , which document are required notified or super legalized and student can prepare these documents well before time For example a character certificate can be done three four months ago it can be translated and prepared so students  prepare  documents well before time and make it ready for your application time also student don’t need any consultants or any kind of consumer service for this one because these all things you can prepare it yourself and these agents or a counselor will not help you in any case for your visa approval or any help regarding student approval rating so it is student who will go for interview and student interview will decide student will get the vise or not.

Personal details :

A lot of students visas rejected because of mistakes in their personal details like student name spellings, date of birth, city of birth, family, relations, the family does, brother do, sister do, ad all these details are very important like any mistake in this part makes the consular things that you are going to maybe use this visa for any other purpose so prepare yourself it’s not that you want to make a mistake in it but sometimes when you are in the interview you just became panic and you can make a mistake so practice this thing a lot of time and you should be well prepared for it.

Financial Issues:

Lot of students says that they have the money now from their family it is completely acceptable it can be you can say my family is supporting me and from the next year I will work over there I will earn some money and I will pay the fees mean this doubt itself it can make students visa rejected because they are not sure if you can have enough resources to finish your studies so you should have a clear plane who will cover student finances and family supporting you is a very valid answer.

Accommodation :

Lot of students doesn’t know where they will be accommodation how they will reach over there. what is the address of it how much is the payment for it so you should know it is written in your invitation letter where you will be accommodation who will pay for it when you have to pay where are the rooms which street so you should know it how you are going to reach over there.

Study plane :

This question that how yours studies will be like what courses are there. if there will be a state exam there will be a final defense how the scoring will be with grade or which courses you have to take as a mandatory to finish your complete studies you should know it exactly plane if it especially for the PhD studies and you can clearly mention it over there which courses you will study and how you’ll finish your studies also how that study is going to help you this is very important for the counselor to know that you are coming to Europe and Europe has a better University which is giving you some high level of skill or education which you are going to get better knowledge and use yours skills may be back in your country.

How avoid Schengen visa rejection.
How avoid Schengen visa rejection.

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